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GROW Now Accepting 2024 Micro-Grant Applications

Purpose of Micro Grants:

The Micro-Grant program aims to advance GROW’s mission of building healthy and diverse communities by educating, encouraging, and enabling people to grow organic produce for themselves and others. Furthermore, we hope that our Micro Grants will give applicants grant-writing experience that will be helpful in acquiring larger grants, as needed. Examples of past projects include shed roof repairs, season-extending improvements for giving gardens, tool refreshes, and many more.

2024 Funding:

We are excited to announce that, due to a generous seed donation to GROW for our Micro-Grant program, we are expanding our per-garden grants to $1,000 from $500. We have also expanded the number of projects that we can fund this year. We encourage you to apply if your project(s) meets the criteria.

Micro-Grant Eligibility:

Micro-Grant applications are open to all gardens within the Seattle P-Patch network. You may request up to $1000 per project and per garden (Note: If your garden has multiple projects below the $1,000 threshold, please combine them into one application, not exceeding $1,000. If your garden has multiple projects that exceed the $1,000 threshold when combined, please choose the most urgent request). If a project is in excess of $1,000, you must demonstrate that additional funding has been or can be acquired. Funding is limited. Priority will be given to those applicants who demonstrate how their project will:

  • Support garden infrastructure, maintenance, and/or repairs

  • Improve the safety of the garden

  • Increase equity, inclusion, and/or access within the garden

  • Be successfully completed within one year (by July 31, 2025)

Furthermore, you will be asked to attest that your garden has discussed and agreed to the project. Having the entire garden behind a project is crucial for us to understand the feasibility of completing it.

If you are awarded a grant, you must provide documentation of project completion to GROW to be eligible for a micro grant the following calendar year. Documentation is also required for reimbursement unless otherwise arranged in advance with GROW. GROW may also arrange site visits prior to the distribution of funds.

Expanding Equity for Micro Grants:

GROW is committed to supporting all community gardens within the P-Patch program, and in particular those whose gardens would benefit most from these grants. We will work directly with you and your garden, as appropriate, to support applicants who need additional support as it pertains to socioeconomic or language barriers. 

How to Apply:

Submit your application here!

GROW will begin reviewing applications on May 15, 2024. Applications for this funding cycle must be submitted no later than July 15, 2024. We estimate that grants will be awarded no later than July 31, 2024; however, we will make efforts to provide rolling awards earlier than the end of July. Once awarded, you will have one month to complete the acceptance form.

If you have questions or need assistance completing the application form, please contact us at 


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How to Support Micro Grants and GROW:

If you are also interested in supporting the Micro-Grant program or GROW, you can donate at


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