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Signed, Sealed & Delivered!


Last December we shared the wonderful news that our campaign to purchase the Ballard P-Patch was a success, that we had raised all necessary funding. We worked through the months of January and February to document our expenditures and matching funds for the King County Conservation Futures Grant (CFT), which had been approved for $1.25M. On February 22, 2021 the CFT funds were transferred to GROW, our fiscal sponsor and property owner. We are now thrilled to report that on February 25, 2021 our bridge loan to Verity Credit Union was repaid in full and the title released to GROW.

This means that GROW now owns the property free and clear! Furthermore, repaying the loan 18 months ahead of the scheduled deadline resulted in significant interest savings. We were pleased to release more than $80,000 back to King County to award to other projects.

GROW will now file for a restriction on the property title, which will ensure that the garden will remain a community garden and will never be developed for other uses... The Gnome is Home!!

We are so thankful to all of you, our community and supporters. Whether you signed a petition, attended a fund-raiser, or made a donation large or small – you are our heroes! Without your support, we wouldn’t have had the heart or the means for tackling this huge project.

As we move toward the Spring Equinox our hearts are full, and our heads are busy with plans for the garden. We hope you will continue to follow us on Facebook, our website, and through these newsletters. We will share updates and news on events at the garden as the year progresses. We are hopeful that we will be able to celebrate with our community at our 19th Annual Art in the Garden festival on Saturday, August 7. 2021.


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P.O. BOX 19748
Seattle, WA, 98109

EIN: 91-1091819

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